WJTA Certified Training

Course price will be dependent on various factors and finalized when talking to StoneAge reps
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WJTA Certified Training

Operator training is crucial for advancing safety, skills, and standardization across industrial cleaning. As a WJTA-certified training provider, our mission is to educate industrial cleaning professionals in the safe and efficient use of waterjetting tools and automated equipment.

Available in North America

Course price will be dependent on various factors and finalized when talking to StoneAge reps
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WJTA Hydroblaster Operator Training and Certification Program

How it works

The WaterJet Technology Association (WJTA) oversees its accredited Hydroblaster Operator Training and Certification Program in North America. StoneAge delivers WJTA training and certification at our Texas facility. We guide you and your trainees through every step of the process.

WJTA FT by StoneAge

WJTA Foundational Training (FT)

Provides an overview of the Industry Best Practices for the Use of High Pressure Waterjetting Equipment and is a prerequisite for Field Verification (FV). This is an interactive computer-based module developed and managed by the WJTA. FT is offered at multiple HASC/ARSC locations or remotely delivered via Online LINKTrain. StoneAge can assist with remote delivery. Course duration: 3 hours

WJTA FV by StoneAge

WJTA Field Verification (FV)

A rigorous, entry-level training on system setup, pre-job inspection, and manual and automated high-pressure cleaning operations across shotgunning, flex lancing, and line moleing applications. FV is hands-on training with a practical assessment – students are required to successfully demonstrate competencies on the FV Checklist as evaluated by a WJTA Verified Trainer. Course duration: 1.5 days

WJTA certified hydroblaster training by StoneAge

Increasing safety and standardized waterjetting practices across the industry.